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India's first medal in Tokyo Olympics won by Mirabai Chanu

Posted By dupehut 1294 days ago on games

https://www.dupehut.com -  Mirabai Chanu gave India the first decoration in Tokyo Olympics, packing silver in the ladies' 49kg classification in weightlifting. Mirabai Chanu lifted a sum of 202 kg (87kg in grab and 115kg in the quick lift) during her four effective endeavors across the op#position.  READ MORE    

5 Lashkar Terrorists, Army Jawan Killed In Encounter In Jammu And Kashmir's Pulwama

Posted By dupehut 1316 days ago on latest news

https://www.dupehut.com - Five terrorists were killed, they were affiliated with the LeT said police  Srinagar: Five Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) psychological oppressors, including an area administrator, and an Army jawan were killed in an experience between the fear mongers and security powers in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama locale on Friday, police said READ MORE. 

Iran Nuclear Deal Meet on Sunday

Posted By dupehut 1328 days ago on latest news

https://www.dupehut.com - Significant forces have gathered again in Vienna with an end goal to restore the Iran atomic arrangement, a cycle convoluted by the political decision as Iranian leader of Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline traditionalist minister profoundly hostile towards western qualities.  read more...

The Fifth Ocean

Posted By dupehut 1334 days ago on latest news

https://www.dupehut.com - The greater part of ocean found out about the world's seas in elementary school. There's the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.    Presently, there's an ocean change ahead.    On account of National Geographic, you'll before long see a fifth sea on your guides. It's currently formally perceiving the Southern Ocean, the waters whirling around Antarctica, denoting the first run...

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